What’s this Website About?

Calling Out Articles of Misleading News and Information

Don’t Believe Everything That The Mainstream Media Tells You

The Administrator of this website does not claim to represent any mainstream news agency. It is a privately run website generated and operated by a single entity which uses critical thinking to investigate headlines and news articles. This website does not represent any party. It has been created to point out false information. Especially, reporting that may try to sway your thinking. If there is a report listed that you tend to disagree with, please message us so we can investigate your facts. It is not beyond our boundary to debate opinions that have been presented. As a matter of fact, we welcome your comments.  However, please understand that spammers tend to misuse our commenting application as a point to spam our system. The comments are moderated as best as possible, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO ADVERTISING SHOWN ON THIS SITE! Especially, content which may serves no purpose to this website. So, we kindly ask you to require time to respond to your query. Thank you for your understanding and support. We value your attention to our website. This website separates the truth from the misleading news that we are being presented with. It’s recognized that our constitution protects freedom of speech along with freedom of the Press. There is a fine line between the truth and the misleading propaganda our news agencies distribute. On this website, we will deconstruct reports and demonstrate the truth behind the news we hear using bits and pieces of audio and video. And, if you believe we have misinformed you. We invite you to contact us and provide your information. MisInfomania.com welcomes your feedback. We ask you to conduct yourselves with the utmost maturity. MisInfomania.com does not welcome attacks on other readers and their opinions.  MisInfomania.com reserves the right to ban users who post hate content and who may act in a mischievous or threatening manner. We welcome your posts, comments, and debates. Content from other websites may also be used to help backup your statements.


Just to be clear with our readers, this website does not lean one way or the other. It does embraces information from both parties. MisInfomania.com does not support any movements.

MisInfomania.com is a completely ad-free and privately funded website.