Please remind me how Joe Biden has united this country. Has he stopped the influx of immigrants to this country? Has he put forth any laws that curb the amount of drug use and fentanyl imported into the country? Exactly what positives has he accomplished? To help remind you of Joe Biden’s successes, I found this video taken from the No Spin News which is Bill Orielly’s website. He does without bias, breaks down Joe Biden’s failures. And now that Joe is hinting at a possible re-election, it’s time for you to start thinking. Is Joe Biden going to reverse the chaos that the left continues to blanket this country with? Are you actually voting for Joe Biden and the socialist Democrats? Or, just voting against Donald Trump? While you are sitting there contemplating your answer, take a moment of time and watch this video to help you decide. There is no bias here whatsoever. Thank you for visiting our website.